Sunday, July 29, 2007

Love that Leo

It should be obvious that Leo enjoys being treated with pomp and circumstance, but they can smell a phony a mile away and will strive to preserve their dignity at all costs. In other words it is possible to walk a cat on a leash, but woe betide you if the feline in question spots it.

So, Leo, let's not squander the watts - let's say you're looking to fill an opening in your entourage. Who should you invite to share the golden aura?

Leo with Aries - are you looking for a lover or a hobby? How do you relate to something you can carry in your pocket?

Leo with Taurus - It's a question of subtlety - too much of everything with not enough glitter - you will not be pleased.

Leo with Gemini - The twins are natural linguists - just say NO in any and all languages you speak - non, nein, nyet,

Leo with Cancer - Your curiosity will be misinterpreted and your nose will be pinched. Nothing dignified there.

Leo with Leo - As prison inmates you would make a great pair....joint public appearances could become brawls.

Leo with Virgo - The one earth sign least apt to be so concerned with his or her own dignity that yours gets ignored.

Leo with Libra - Forget plausible deniability, you'll find yourself neutered and consigned to the back yard in a flash

Leo with Scorpio - You're an intelligent creature, and arrogance aside you know better than to try this one - back up slowly.

Leo with Sagittarius - You'll get lost in a myriad of re-locations and even though you could find your way home you won't bother.

Leo with Capricorn - Like Moulin Rouge - Bohemian artist meets social-climbing, bean-counting, horn dog - tragedy ensues.

Leo with Aquarius - An A-List couple in public, dynamite between the sheets but neither of you wants to do the dishes.

Leo with Pisces - Like cotton candy, Pisces will just melt in your mouth, and like bad seafood come back to haunt you.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Leo is Purrfect

It's hard not to overdo the cat imagery when you're talking about Leo but there really isn't a better way to describe the astrological lion. So let's see how many feline cliches I can dredge up! Leo is as sinuously graceful as a panther, as lethally sensuous as the tiger, as indolent as the adult male lion, as playful as a kitten and yes, we've all heard it, as arrogant as the most pampered pet. Oh, and not forgetting Morris, they can be finicky too.

A Leo will probably be the best lover you've ever had, a fantastic host, and the life of any party. It is not up to us as mere mortals to attempt to fathom the hows, whys and whats of a Leo. Got a Leo in your life? Friend, family or lover doesn't matter the same rules apply - make sure there's a sunny spot for uninterrupted naps, be prepared to dole out belly rubs on request and don't think twice if you're invited to come along for the ride. The pay off is well worth it.

All the sexy stuff aside, don't ever think that a Leo is all about the physical. The mind behind those gorgeous eyes is always working overtime and if you underestimate that then you'll find yourself left behind. On the other hand, if you're looking for someone fearlessly creative to brainstorm with, pull up a velvet cushion and sit yourself down.