Sunday, April 22, 2007

Taurus in Love

Earthy Taurus is an incredible mix of the sensuous and the scintillating; A larger than life presence sitting between the spring fire of Aries and Gemini's promise of summer fun; youngest of the earth signs, eager to be shaped by life - up to a point. This week's list tells Taurus where that point is with every other sign of the Zodiac. For those of you in and/or contemplating a relationship with Taurus, maybe you should take notes.

Taurus with Aries - You started this lemonade stand together, how come you're the one left holding the lemons?

Taurus with Taurus - You are an unstoppable team, yoked together for all eternity, and really, how long could that be?

Taurus with Gemini - It would be like dating potpourri - aromatic and decorative but without any real purpose.

Taurus with Cancer - This one will rain on every parade you ever try to throw: makes it easier to sweep up confetti.

Taurus with Leo - Welcome to the Dome - Two signs enter, One sign leaves! This will get bloody before it gets better.

Taurus with Virgo - You two will be cooking along so well that you open a restaurant - a vegan rib joint. Bon apetit.

Taurus with Libra - You love pretty things that require special care and handling, but they break so easily

Taurus with Scorpio - They will only love you for one thing and it isn't your recipe for pound cake.

Taurus with Sagittarius - Sagittarius wanders off in the grocery store and you forget to go look for them.

Taurus with Capricorn - These are the people who want your recipe for pound cake - refuse to share your secret ingredient.

Taurus with Aquarius - Get yourself a t-shirt that reads "I already gave at the office" - head things off at the pass.

Taurus with Pisces - Are you any good with a Hula Hoop? That's just exactly how silly this would look.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Taurus - April 20 - May 20

Taurus are all about value and they understand that you get what you pay for. This can sometimes lead to the belief that the more it costs you the better it is. Rarely will a Taurus get into a 'mine's bigger' discussion though; the Bull prefers to just walk on by, secure in the knowledge that his is. This is the second reason why, if you're dating a Taurus, you need to be very high maintenance for the relationship to succeed. The more time, money and/or effort that a Taurus has to put into keeping you happy, the more they will come to view your happiness as a worthwhile goal. Also, unless you're really kicking up a fuss, Taurus will frequently not even notice that you're there. Which is why the key words for Taurus are I'm Sorry.

Taurus is thought of as being bull-headed and stubborn. It's true that they will plow through quite a lot to get to where they want to go, but try to see this in terms of being tenacious and focused rather than relentless and unyielding. Have you ever watched a Taurus multi-task? Uh-huh, and did your insurance cover it? A Taurus will have more hobbies, interests and extra-curricular activities than any ten ordinary people. Or at least they will have the accessories. These accoutrement often stand as a monument to what Taurus is sacrificing in pursuit of a greater goal. But don't think that means for a moment that Taurus can't whip out the paints, the tap shoes and the Didgeridoo and perform credibly with any or all. Just make sure you've got coverage.

Another term you'll hear used to refer to Taurus is 'bull in a china shop' and that's just ridiculous. Taurus is very earthy, sensual and graceful in all of their movements and if Taurus is in a china shop there's a credit card involved somewhere.

Keep in mind that for 2008, Ford is bringing the Taurus back! And that's an indicator of Taurus' greatest asset - staying power. Greatest weakness? Being so busy getting someplace that they miss where they are.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Aries Year Ahead

Just as the Sun moves out of Aries (April 20) The Cosmic Courier delivers a goody bag full of insight. You will definitely feel the urge to create a more spiritual life in which to look more closely at these new ideas; but try to avoid flying off to Tibet on a pilgrimage just yet. For one thing you'll need a new passport photo - that stunned expression on your face won't begin to match the one you have now.

Start out slowly and enrol in some yoga classes ( I can hook you up if you like). There's something about you that thrives in well defined spaces so it stands to reason that a little discipline would be a good thing! Choose your own level: mild, smoky barbecue, extra spicy or honey garlic. There will be finger-licking, so choose wisely. In this situation it's a good idea to go for the slow burn - go for the mild, and let the heat build. You don't want to flame out.

This is the year that this pantomime you've been calling your life finally kicks in to gear. In puppy talk that means the off-leash park. Sure, it's a small fenced in park, but nevertheless there's a degree of devil-may-care, laissez-faire, "watch me I can run" about it. You'll finally get to lose the training wheels and strike out on your own. Have you ever considered Interior Design? I think you'd have great success if you started with a marketing campaign and then progressed backward, so to speak, until you actually do some actual designing.

For most of the year you will have the nagging feeling that you've forgotten something. Can't help you there - I have no idea what it is. You'll meet your soul mate on November 21, 2007. Apparently you both believe you're doomed and by the end of the year you've manifested allergies to one another. Hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. By New Year's Eve "Plain Old You" will be have turned into "Super You".