Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sexy Sagittarius

Sexy Sagittarius
I believe I mentioned last week, that if you want to hang around with a Sagittarius, you had better have a thick skin because you won’t be hearing a lot of sweet nothings. What you will get is straightforward unvarnished truth, which when you think about it, is better than a lot of romantic twaddle. Truth is truth and if a Sagittarius doesn’t shy from the not-so-pretty stuff, why on earth would they lie about the good things? In other words, yes you just might be really annoying right at the moment, but you are loved. Oh, by the way, when they ask, feel free to tell your Sagittarius that yes they too are very annoying right now, but only say it if you mean it.

This is one relationship that must always be straight up, eye to eye, toe to toe and no funny stuff. If you want to lose a Sagittarius just try manipulating them.
So who’s ready for round one?
Sagittarius with Aries – No one notices the candle light when the house is on fire. There’s really no point for either of you.
Sagittarius with Taurus – You think the two of you are room mates; Taurus is picking out china and crystal. This calls for more than a new phone number.

Sagittarius with Gemini – Like a plague of lady bugs, charming, mildly annoying and largely with out any impact other than a few holes in your sweaters.
Sagittarius with Cancer – You don’t have the patience for the old game of “what’s wrong?” “Nothing.” You’re gone and Cancer is home sulking.

Sagittarius with Leo – No one in their right mind would even invite the two of you to the same party let alone try to set you up.
Sagittarius with Virgo – Most of your friends are uncomfortable in a room with the two of you. Between you, no innocent by-stander is safe.

Sagittarius with Libra – It’s like a race to see who will grow fed up and walk out first. You might need a lawyer to get out of this one intact.

Sagittarius with Scorpio – For best results, you should start with lawyers. First rule of business? No weapons in the bedroom.
Sagittarius with Sagittarius – Can you take what you dish out? That’s the big question here. My guess is you would never even be attracted to one another.
Sagittarius with Capricorn – For some reason you need Capricorn to hear you and if (or should I say when) they won’t, you act out and nobody is happy.

Sagittarius with Aquarius – You have the capacity to egg each other on until one or both of you ends up in jail or hospital. No one emerges unscathed.
Sagittarius with Pisces – It’s good Feng Shui to have a source of running water in your home and the gentle babble is soothing to your senses.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Say Hello to Sagittarius

Brad Pitt is a Sagittarius and that says pretty much everything you need to know. This is the sign of the beautiful, thoughtful, sexy, talented do-gooder. Although, as unbelievable as this might sound, I'd be willing to bet that there are people on this planet who can't stand Brad Pitt. And that's because Sagittarius is a sign you either love or hate - kind of like Marmite, Bangkok and Britney Spears (also a Sagittarius).

Sagittarius is not the zodiac sign you go to and ask "does my butt look big in this?" not unless you're prepared to hear an unequivocal "yes". Blunt honesty is a trademark of the archer. He's always aiming at the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. A kind Sagittarius, when asked if they will give an honest answer, might reply "only if that's what you really want".

In this week's scopes I talk about Jimi Hendrix and how he was a typical Sagittarius because he was an innovator, a star, a talent beyond measure yada yada yada....the most Sagittarius thing about Jimi Hendrix was the fact that at his death, he had both a German girlfriend and a British girlfriend who argued over the circumstances of his death and the disposition of his assets. Typically there was more than one girlfriend and also typically they were from different countries. Now this is not to say that all Sag's are global players, but they tend to attract a wide variety of admirers, and sometimes the broken ones won't go away. Every Sagittarius has a fan club, and both its members and its victims are legion. Let me put it this way - Christmas should be celebrated on November 25th, because there is no way Jesus Christ was a Capricorn - he was a Sagittarius through and through.

Now this is the one sign that will never lie to you, but that doesn't mean that they won't be quite happy to let you believe about them whatever it is that you want to believe about them, as long as it's to their advantage. Metaphorically speaking, all Sagittarians live life with their fingers crossed behind their backs. This is probably due to the fact that Sag is a mutable sign and needs to be ready to change at a moment's notice. So while you didn't actually hear a 'no', neither did you hear a 'yes'. The fact that you might think you did is neither here nor there to a Sagittarian.

So, there you have it - Sagittarius is a fire sign with a taste for all the life's buffet has to offer - you should either wear Teflon or get out of the kitchen.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Passions of Scorpio

It’s pretty funny that I made Scorpio wait a week for their love match blogoscope. It’s not easy to make a Scorpio wait for anything. They are creatures of the moment who frequently can gather enough force to make that moment last for quite some time. For this reason, it is never a good idea to stand between a Scorpio and what they want. So without further ado…..

Scorpio with Aries – This will be about as satisfying as stapling mercury to a wall – and you’ll always wonder why you started trying in the first place.

Scorpio with Taurus – It’s like rush hour traffic on the Los Angeles freeway. It’s infuriating and it’s going nowhere fast.

Scorpio with Gemini – This will be an experience similar to eating pop rocks – tasty, tingly, slightly disturbing and ultimately unsatisfying.

Scorpio with Cancer – This will happen on such a deep and private level that even your closest friends won’t realize that the two of you are dating. 

Scorpio with Leo – It’s impossible for the two of you to share a home. Hell you can barely share a planet what with needing to breathe different elements and all.

Scorpio with Virgo – Never have two people who are so obviously working at cross purposes also been so obviously in love. Too bad.

Scorpio with Libra – Oh sure, you wouldn’t send a boy to do a man’s job but would you use a swim fin to kill a mosquito?

Scorpio with Scorpio – Hey who doesn’t want to dance when they hear Superfreak? That doesn’t mean you want to watch Rick James sing it.

Scorpio with Sagittarius – There’s no way this should ever work but I’ve seen it happen. I think it’s because you’re both too stubborn to give up or give in.

Scorpio with Capricorn – Like Charles and Camilla, barring some horrendous accident you will never be more to each other than a dirty little secret. 

Scorpio with Aquarius – Is this a long distance romance? Because that just might work. It’s the only way the two of you can go any distance so get a calling plan.

Scorpio with Pisces – Some people like to have their fish de-boned before they eat them. Of course bones are only an issue if you need to chew before you devour.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


It's fitting that Halloween falls during the time when the Sun is in the sign of Scorpio, because for most of us, Scorpio is a scary sign. Intense, is only the beginning for the Scorpion.

Scorpio rules sex, death, the occult, institutions and other people's money - which explains why the 1929 stock market crash also happened in Scorpio.

So, aside from Trick or Treat and the Stock Market what's scary about Scorpio? Well your average Scorpio is curious; about everything. One of their more attractive features is that they are always interested in you. Which is great if that's where your interest lies, but if you want to reciprocate and get to know a Scorpio, forget it. That's privileged information. You'll see only what your shown; everything else is tightly under wraps. And don't even think about snooping; the scorpion's sting is like a built in security system, and if you pry you will get zapped.

Scorpio is a very misunderstood sign and that's not just due to the built in secrecy. A Scorpio always appears to be flirting, even if all they're doing is is ordering coffee. When a Scorpio speaks, you should pay close attention; they're not just talking to hear themselves speak.

The downside of all that intensity is that Scorpio tend to be possessive; the upside is that they are loyal, and loving and will stop at nothing to aid and protect those they care for - friends, lovers and family.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Remember last week when I said that all Libras were royalty? Well it's true, and in love they are Prince Charming, the Princess Bride and the Duke of Earl, all rolled into one. Libra needs to have a significant other. They are neither needy, nor clingy, they just really function more easily when in a relationship. I don't know why, it's never been my experience that having a boyfriend makes anything easier, but there are apparently people who feel otherwise, and a large percentage of them are Libras.

So Libra, where's the best place for you to look for your counterbalancing soul mate? Read on....

Libra with Aries - It's like community service with a better wardrobe. Fun is not supposed to be this much work.

Libra with Taurus - Taurus loves the idea of you but when it gets right down to it, just can't keep up.

Libra with Gemini - You can both be princesses and do each others hair and nails. Sleep over anyone?

Libra with Cancer - Ever watched someone try to thread a needle wearing oven mitts? That's what this looks like.

Libra with Leo - Leo the king will not recognize you sovereignty. Prepare for invasion coupled with a scorched earth policy.

Libra with Virgo - It's like dating an older sibling - safe, comforting and a little bit creepy: in a good way.

Libra with Libra - More of this type of couple and the wind power energy situation would be all taken care of.

Libra with Scorpio - Put it down, put it down, put it down! This will end in tears, recriminations and restraining orders.

Libra with Sagittarius - This match is about as good an idea as lighting a barbecue with gasoline. That's bad.

Libra with Capricorn - Want to be a music box dancer? Ever wonder what she did when the lid was closed?

Libra with Aquarius - Tornadoes are more frequent during warm weather and they can strike out of nowhere.

Libra with Pisces - It's like you're not even speaking the same language and no amount of Berlitz will help.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lovely Libra

If I were casting Lord of The Rings in zodiac terms, every elf would be played by a Libra. They're so pretty that all we ordinary earthly beings are hideous in comparison - yes, even you Gemini. Often characterized as indecisive, I think it's actually more likely that Libra always knows exactly what s/he wants, it just takes them a while to get it right.

From childhood, a Libra sees clearly what the perfect world looks like - maybe not in the kind of detail that a Virgo sees, but in full colour, like a beautiful painting. They don't always get a clear idea of themselves and how they fit into this work of art, although there is never any doubt that a Libra is royalty - dukes, duchesses, earls and counts, and most often princesses. So they tend to take a dim view of anything or anyone that threatens to mess up their picture and may start ordering beheadings.

Once they've decided, your average Libra wastes no time in announcing and acting upon their choice, but it can sure take some time for them to get there. Rest assured, that when a Libra has chosen they have not done so lightly, no matter how it looks.

Approach change slowly and don't rock the boat - because there's nothing loonier than an unbalanced Libra. If they think you might cause a disturbance in the force, Libra will not hesitate to make a preemptive strike. You can find yourself shunned for behaviour you haven't even begun to think about.

Libras are born pleasers. Libras learn that keeping other people happy lowers the risk that others will interfere in their utopias. It can sometimes take them longer to discover that they will get even better results if they make themselves happy first.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Virgo in Love

Okay, so Virgo has a very specific idea of what a loved one should be, but imperfections are not necessarily deal breakers because every Virgo also enjoys a bit of a fixer upper - emphasis on 'a bit'.

So Virgo, who is pret a porter and who's bespoke? Find the one that fits like a glove.

Virgo with Aries - It's like getting a new puppy to love, to train, to house break - unfortunately it's a relationship that will age in dog years.

Virgo with Taurus - You've got radically different views on money management - you want to save some, Taurus wants to hoard it.

Virgo with Gemini - Do you want a disco ball in your living room? Cause Gemini wants a disco ball in the living room.

Virgo with Cancer - You really don't want to have to listen to someone else's idea of what would make a perfect world. You already know what that is.

Virgo with Leo - Not the same as having a puppy, and you don't want to dangle things in front of this kitty, you will get shredded.

Virgo with Virgo - I don't know any other sign that gets along so well with itself. This relationship is like loving yourself and that can't be bad.

Virgo with Libra - How much of a project are you looking for? Do you have absolutely no challenges in any other area of your life? Are you sure?

Virgo with Scorpio - If you could just get this one to sit down, shut up and get out of your way - Scorpio is the perfect foil to your powers of delegation.

Virgo with Sagittarius - Those people who think they know what's going on are really annoying to those of us who actually do know what's going on.

Virgo with Capricorn - Oh gosh see Sagittarius except that those who think they're in charge are really annoying to those who really are.

Virgo with Aquarius - This would be a good one to keep on staff but make sure you only pay them for what they actually do.

Virgo with Pisces - Oil and water darling, oil and water; only works when it's being continuously shaken up; it's exhausting.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Verily Virgo

Virgo, ah Virgo, where do I start? Vagabond vectors, verbal velocity, victorious virtuoso, vestal virago, voluminous variety - all the cool V words, including very. You could also use P words like perfectionist, picky, prudish and persnickety. All are true and yet are only a small part of the picture.

Virgo tends to have a very detailed picture of how they want the world to run. They know ahead of time exactly how everything should look, sound , taste and feel, and refuse to settle for anything less than what they want. I know this makes Virgo sound rigid but really they're very adaptable. A Virgo could give a disdainful sniff and then leave, or instantly stalk off in high dudgeon, or insist that someone fix things, or just dig in and make it all happen in precisely the way they want. That's waaaay flexible.

With an unbeatable eye for detail, a sure knowledge of what is right and the courage of their convictions - no matter how "out there" these convictions may be - Virgo are ideally suited to jobs like editor, legislator, brain surgeon, prison warden, or dictator of a small third world country. Basically anything that requires an unswerving vision, an ear for the truth and a nose for news. In the know and quietly evangelical about all things new especially when it comes to health and nutrition.

Virgo was know in ancient times as the sign of aunts and uncles; today we might think of Virgo as the sign of the mentor - someone who has your well being at heart, shows you a different way to look at the world and is completely unsentimental about it. Virgos genuinely care a lot but are never gooey.

Virgo is not for the faint of heart. You had better be sure you know who you are if you're going to be spending anytime with a Virgo. Otherwise you might just as well resign yourself to the disdainful sniff and the hasty exit. Beware, also, to take nothing for granted; if there's one thing Virgo won't tolerate it's the unmindful. Not surprisingly Virgos often get along well with other Virgos because they share an understanding, if not of what truly matters, then at least of what truly does not.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Love that Leo

It should be obvious that Leo enjoys being treated with pomp and circumstance, but they can smell a phony a mile away and will strive to preserve their dignity at all costs. In other words it is possible to walk a cat on a leash, but woe betide you if the feline in question spots it.

So, Leo, let's not squander the watts - let's say you're looking to fill an opening in your entourage. Who should you invite to share the golden aura?

Leo with Aries - are you looking for a lover or a hobby? How do you relate to something you can carry in your pocket?

Leo with Taurus - It's a question of subtlety - too much of everything with not enough glitter - you will not be pleased.

Leo with Gemini - The twins are natural linguists - just say NO in any and all languages you speak - non, nein, nyet,

Leo with Cancer - Your curiosity will be misinterpreted and your nose will be pinched. Nothing dignified there.

Leo with Leo - As prison inmates you would make a great pair....joint public appearances could become brawls.

Leo with Virgo - The one earth sign least apt to be so concerned with his or her own dignity that yours gets ignored.

Leo with Libra - Forget plausible deniability, you'll find yourself neutered and consigned to the back yard in a flash

Leo with Scorpio - You're an intelligent creature, and arrogance aside you know better than to try this one - back up slowly.

Leo with Sagittarius - You'll get lost in a myriad of re-locations and even though you could find your way home you won't bother.

Leo with Capricorn - Like Moulin Rouge - Bohemian artist meets social-climbing, bean-counting, horn dog - tragedy ensues.

Leo with Aquarius - An A-List couple in public, dynamite between the sheets but neither of you wants to do the dishes.

Leo with Pisces - Like cotton candy, Pisces will just melt in your mouth, and like bad seafood come back to haunt you.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Leo is Purrfect

It's hard not to overdo the cat imagery when you're talking about Leo but there really isn't a better way to describe the astrological lion. So let's see how many feline cliches I can dredge up! Leo is as sinuously graceful as a panther, as lethally sensuous as the tiger, as indolent as the adult male lion, as playful as a kitten and yes, we've all heard it, as arrogant as the most pampered pet. Oh, and not forgetting Morris, they can be finicky too.

A Leo will probably be the best lover you've ever had, a fantastic host, and the life of any party. It is not up to us as mere mortals to attempt to fathom the hows, whys and whats of a Leo. Got a Leo in your life? Friend, family or lover doesn't matter the same rules apply - make sure there's a sunny spot for uninterrupted naps, be prepared to dole out belly rubs on request and don't think twice if you're invited to come along for the ride. The pay off is well worth it.

All the sexy stuff aside, don't ever think that a Leo is all about the physical. The mind behind those gorgeous eyes is always working overtime and if you underestimate that then you'll find yourself left behind. On the other hand, if you're looking for someone fearlessly creative to brainstorm with, pull up a velvet cushion and sit yourself down.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Falling in love with love with Cancer......

Cancer love is the Marianas Trench of romance. It is a love the must be reciprocated with fearless commitment and is not to be undertaken by the false, the foolhardy or the faint of heart. The pressure is great; the rewards are immeasurable. Who's got what it takes?

Picture yourself, Cancer with each of these.....

Aries - As long as they're house-broken and self-cleaning, this could be that puppy you always wanted. Love and affection sprinkled with treats will win you a companion for life.

Taurus - There will always be muddy footprints tracked on your carpet. Hell even if you live in a mud hut, you can be sure, Taurus can find a way to muck it up even more.

Gemini - This will kick off allergy season nicely. And of course everyone thinks you're the weirdo, I mean how could anybody be allergic to something so pretty? Am I right?

Cancer - You'll have a hard time getting close enough to find out each other's names. Neither one of you will want to be the first to blink. Just turn around and walk away slowly.

Leo - This one will crack you open, and rip out your insides for a snack, leaving behind nothing but a trail of broken shell and a spreading butter stain.

Virgo - I'm not saying you need a pre-nup, but a list of rights and responsibilities wouldn't go amiss - something like a job description that lets you know who's in charge of what.

Libra - Remember Snow White? Cinderella? The Princess and the Pea? This is a high maintenance lover who tends to make you look a lot like an evil step mother.

Scorpio - Nobody can stir up your inner snob like a Scorpio. They won't do what you want them to and worse, they want their own way! Cretins!

Sagittarius - Never around when needed and always under foot when they're not. Showing up at all hours with friends in tow and never a phone call to let you know.

Capricorn - Beat this one to the pre-nup. You don't have to be a lawyer to know that Capricorn won't get any where without you so get your share up front.

Aquarius - You'll need an alibi going in because you will want to get rid of this one. Exterminate, eradicate, erase, end. Permanently.

Pisces - You better be in a take charge mood - all the time. Otherwise you'll wake up ten years from now to find yourself in the middle of a life you don't remember.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Introduction to Cancer June 22 - July 22, 2007

Get your goggles, fins and snorkels in place because this week we're visiting Cancer; The Crab, ruled by the moody Moon, key words I Feel.

Give their druthers, a Cancer would bring an armoured Winnebago to a Dodge 'Ems Ride. A penchant for cooking, cleaning and keeping their loved ones close has given them a reputation for being home-loving and maternal. In reality, home is truly where the heart is and Cancer is always in full, lock and load battle mode, prepared at all times and in all places to circle the wagons, bolt the doors, batten down the hatches and fight to defend everyone and everything they've ever cared about. It's no surprise that there's a new Die Hard and a new Rambo movie both coming out right now. John J. Rambo and John McClane are quintessential Cancers - at their best when fighting to protect something they love. Any attempt to breach or circumvent the security perimeter will land you firmly on their bad side; because justice will prevail and you will pay for every perceived crime, fault or lack.

Once you've been identified as friend not foe you'll find the warmest of welcomes inside the fortifications. It's cozy, bright and clean and it smells really nice. Honestly, in between the cooking and cleaning and upgrading the security systems, you wonder if Cancer has any time to relax and enjoy their own environments. And there in lies the rub.

Moony and moody is right because the lovely glow you see in a Cancerian's face is just one half of the story. Never forget that there's a whole other face, always in the dark, that you are not meant to see. During those phases when Cancer retreats into a shell, remember that they are plotting new defence strategies and if you want a place in those plans you better pick up any slack until the eclipse is passed.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Gemini in Love

There's a reason why the Sun's move into Gemini coincides with the beginning of the warmer weather. Gemini's love to celebrate life and if they can do it half naked so much the better. Let's look at your potential party mates and discover which ones are most likely to be bringing the blender drinks and which are running after you with a blanket.

Gemini with Aries - If they're prettier than you, or younger than you they will also be constantly upstaging you. If they're not prettier than you or younger than you there's no point.

Gemini with Taurus - This would last about a month and if you're smart you'll make that month the one with your birthday in it. Taurus can be very generous if operated properly.

Gemini with Gemini - Fun house extravaganza, a world of mirrors that always reflects your best side. You may frequently hear non-Geminis yammer on about the 'real world'.

Gemini with Cancer - It really depends on how good you look in black and whether or not you've ever dreamed of attending your own funeral.

Gemini with Leo - They operate under the delusion that they are the prettiest things on Earth and you simply refuse to tolerate or support their vain delusions.

Gemini with Virgo - Another fun house extravaganza, but in this house of mirrors you do look fat in those pants, metaphorically speaking that is.

Gemini with Libra - This relationship is soooo pretty and sparkly and bright that the average human being cannot look directly at the two of you.

Gemini with Scorpio - Like taking part in an ancient ritual only to discover that you're the human sacrifice. Hey, you're the one who wanted to be centre stage.

Gemini with Sagittarius - If everyone believes in fairies really hard this might work, otherwise you'll find yourself in an empty room shouting to be heard.

Gemini with Capricorn- This would be like dating Emily Post but without all the cozy bitch sessions you've always imagined the two of you sharing.

Gemini with Aquarius - Like one day you woke up, looked at your most annoying sibling and thought, wow you are hot! Didn't think so.

Gemini with Pisces - Think you lead a charmed life? You are about to learn how fraught with danger your world really is. And yes, there will be a quiz.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Gemini - May 21st to June 21st

Gemini's are very distinctive individuals with sparkling eyes, beautiful features and the lasting glow of youth. Yes, you can always tell a Gemini. But you can't tell them anything they don't already know and heaven forbid you tell them anything you don't want the rest of the world to know. Gemini is the sign of communication, ruled by Mercury the god of communication and boy do they communicate. This is not to say that they talk all the least not out loud. You will find, however, that as you listen to a Gemini you have the uncanny feeling that you've interrupted an ongoing conversation. You probably have. Gemini is also the sign of the twins, so you never get just one Gemini, and a Gemini is never alone. This is not always a good thing as sometimes the twins argue, and a house divided against itself etc. means that Gemini is home to some of the craziest people out there.

That being said, you will never have a better time than when you're with a Gemini. They are not the life and soul of the party, they are the party. Imagine what Studio 54 would have been without a disco ball. That's what your life would be like without a Gemini in it somewhere. There would still be the sordid fraud, sex scandals and drug dealing but without the celebrities.

Gemini really trades on good looks which is not to say that they aren't intelligent. A smart Gemini, a whole Gemini will parlay beauty into photo ops and sound bites and they continue to trade up until they get to a podium and microphone. They love attention and have an innate ability to draw the spotlight after them. Never try to compete with a Gemini for air time; if you win they will hate you and if you lose they will crush you. Look how badly Tom Cruise (Cancer) came out in his divorce from Gemini Nicole Kidman. He went crazy trying to prove that he was the sane one, and yet Nicole can marry a drunk and come out squeaky clean. And do you think Gemini Angelina will ever forgive Aquarius Jen for being the wronged woman? Angelina will not stop short of adopting every waif on the face of the planet in her efforts to vindicate her man stealing. Oh yeah I said stealing, cause Mercury is also the god of thieves and con artists.

One last thing to keep in mind about Gemini. Never, ask them for directions. Don't take a road trip without a Gemini, they make the miles seem to fly by. But whatever you do, don't let them navigate unless you've got all the time in the world to reach no particular destination.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Taurus in Love

Earthy Taurus is an incredible mix of the sensuous and the scintillating; A larger than life presence sitting between the spring fire of Aries and Gemini's promise of summer fun; youngest of the earth signs, eager to be shaped by life - up to a point. This week's list tells Taurus where that point is with every other sign of the Zodiac. For those of you in and/or contemplating a relationship with Taurus, maybe you should take notes.

Taurus with Aries - You started this lemonade stand together, how come you're the one left holding the lemons?

Taurus with Taurus - You are an unstoppable team, yoked together for all eternity, and really, how long could that be?

Taurus with Gemini - It would be like dating potpourri - aromatic and decorative but without any real purpose.

Taurus with Cancer - This one will rain on every parade you ever try to throw: makes it easier to sweep up confetti.

Taurus with Leo - Welcome to the Dome - Two signs enter, One sign leaves! This will get bloody before it gets better.

Taurus with Virgo - You two will be cooking along so well that you open a restaurant - a vegan rib joint. Bon apetit.

Taurus with Libra - You love pretty things that require special care and handling, but they break so easily

Taurus with Scorpio - They will only love you for one thing and it isn't your recipe for pound cake.

Taurus with Sagittarius - Sagittarius wanders off in the grocery store and you forget to go look for them.

Taurus with Capricorn - These are the people who want your recipe for pound cake - refuse to share your secret ingredient.

Taurus with Aquarius - Get yourself a t-shirt that reads "I already gave at the office" - head things off at the pass.

Taurus with Pisces - Are you any good with a Hula Hoop? That's just exactly how silly this would look.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Taurus - April 20 - May 20

Taurus are all about value and they understand that you get what you pay for. This can sometimes lead to the belief that the more it costs you the better it is. Rarely will a Taurus get into a 'mine's bigger' discussion though; the Bull prefers to just walk on by, secure in the knowledge that his is. This is the second reason why, if you're dating a Taurus, you need to be very high maintenance for the relationship to succeed. The more time, money and/or effort that a Taurus has to put into keeping you happy, the more they will come to view your happiness as a worthwhile goal. Also, unless you're really kicking up a fuss, Taurus will frequently not even notice that you're there. Which is why the key words for Taurus are I'm Sorry.

Taurus is thought of as being bull-headed and stubborn. It's true that they will plow through quite a lot to get to where they want to go, but try to see this in terms of being tenacious and focused rather than relentless and unyielding. Have you ever watched a Taurus multi-task? Uh-huh, and did your insurance cover it? A Taurus will have more hobbies, interests and extra-curricular activities than any ten ordinary people. Or at least they will have the accessories. These accoutrement often stand as a monument to what Taurus is sacrificing in pursuit of a greater goal. But don't think that means for a moment that Taurus can't whip out the paints, the tap shoes and the Didgeridoo and perform credibly with any or all. Just make sure you've got coverage.

Another term you'll hear used to refer to Taurus is 'bull in a china shop' and that's just ridiculous. Taurus is very earthy, sensual and graceful in all of their movements and if Taurus is in a china shop there's a credit card involved somewhere.

Keep in mind that for 2008, Ford is bringing the Taurus back! And that's an indicator of Taurus' greatest asset - staying power. Greatest weakness? Being so busy getting someplace that they miss where they are.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Aries Year Ahead

Just as the Sun moves out of Aries (April 20) The Cosmic Courier delivers a goody bag full of insight. You will definitely feel the urge to create a more spiritual life in which to look more closely at these new ideas; but try to avoid flying off to Tibet on a pilgrimage just yet. For one thing you'll need a new passport photo - that stunned expression on your face won't begin to match the one you have now.

Start out slowly and enrol in some yoga classes ( I can hook you up if you like). There's something about you that thrives in well defined spaces so it stands to reason that a little discipline would be a good thing! Choose your own level: mild, smoky barbecue, extra spicy or honey garlic. There will be finger-licking, so choose wisely. In this situation it's a good idea to go for the slow burn - go for the mild, and let the heat build. You don't want to flame out.

This is the year that this pantomime you've been calling your life finally kicks in to gear. In puppy talk that means the off-leash park. Sure, it's a small fenced in park, but nevertheless there's a degree of devil-may-care, laissez-faire, "watch me I can run" about it. You'll finally get to lose the training wheels and strike out on your own. Have you ever considered Interior Design? I think you'd have great success if you started with a marketing campaign and then progressed backward, so to speak, until you actually do some actual designing.

For most of the year you will have the nagging feeling that you've forgotten something. Can't help you there - I have no idea what it is. You'll meet your soul mate on November 21, 2007. Apparently you both believe you're doomed and by the end of the year you've manifested allergies to one another. Hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. By New Year's Eve "Plain Old You" will be have turned into "Super You".

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Aries in Love

Aries - Who's in charge? Who's making the rules, setting the direction, setting limits? Total anarchy can be exhilarating but doesn't have much of a shelf life.

Taurus - Like an annoying older sibling, when Taurus isn't telling you what to do they're pretending to ignore you so they can catch you doing something "wrong" again.

Gemini - A Gemini always knows where he/she is going, expects you to follow along but doesn't have a clue how to get there. Eventually you'll both be lost and it'll be your fault.

Cancer - This is nice, this is cosy, all your needs are provided for and you feel completely loved. You may never find time to leave the house ever again but who cares?

Leo - If this one's even speaking to you, you'd better count your fingers and toes because 'ulterior motive' doesn't even begin to cover it. You are a pawn in a much larger game.

Virgo - You're a bit of a fixer upper in a Virgo's eyes and they are just the sign to do the job. When all is said and done, you won't recognize yourself. Is that a good thing?

Libra - You can spend years trying to please while Libra makes up his or her mind. They don't like to be rushed. Then you wake up one day and they've chosen - you're not the one.

Scorpio - Mistrusting of your straightforward honest demeanour and clear motives, Scorpio's instinct will be to dissect you in order to see what you're hiding. Ouch.

Sagittarius - Nobody appreciates candle light when the house is on fire. It'll be just like being invisible except you still won't get away with naughty stuff. What's the point?

Capricorn - You can stay just as long as you don't do anything embarrassing - like sleep with the boss's spouse, fart in public or appear more successful than your darling Capricorn.

Aquarius - There are qualities here that you admire and might like to emulate, but beware! What looks quaintly challenging is actually the tightrope walk of true insanity.

Pisces - Kind of like being with a Cancer but without all the good stuff. If you're looking for the fastest path to becoming totally neurotic, look no further, you've found it.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Aries March 21 - April 20

Symbol: The Puppy
Yes I know that traditionally Aries is the sign of the Ram symbolized by the horns but honestly.....Aries has less in common with the hyperactive head-butters we all know from nature programs and more with a group of puppies bashing beans as they all rush after the same ball. Besides, the ram doesn't come close to conveying the idea of the unswerving loyalty that an Aries will demonstrate to loved ones.

Glyph: The Wagging Tail
Again, traditionally, the ram's horns are meant to symbolize Aries' headstrong, headlong, head first attitude. As the first sign of the Zodiac Aries are meant to lead the rest through the cycle of the year. The way a puppy on a leash "leads" on a walk. Which means that the rest of the world is more conversant with their hind ends.

Key Words: I Saw It First
While this is probably true, seeing isn't always understanding. Aries will exert a great deal of energy on something worthless, like a puppy chasing a car it can never drive. It's a kind of primitive value system that says if it's moving it's prey and therefore worth pursuing. This makes it difficult for them to sit still and appreciate what they actually have. And, in an environment with a lot of moving targets, an Aries will be too distracted to actually follow through on anything.

There is a reincarnation theory of Astrology that says this is an Aries' first physical manifestation on Earth. Which is probably why they have a puppy's enthusiasm for everything new, and are much more successful when presented with some firm guidelines. Everybody (except me) has at some point been completely exasperated by an Aries friend's vigor, determination and total naivete. But they're too darn cute to actually be mad at.

Not only does Aries need to learn what they want from life, but also, what's worth wanting, and what's an appropriate way of getting it. They do this by paying very close attention to other people to see what they want and how they get it. Arians are impressionable but also discriminating. They frequently gravitate to earth signs whose success is often more material and therefore visible than that of the other elements.

Aries itself is a fire sign and there is indeed a discernible warmth and a glow about them. They are often misrepresented as being hotheads with short fuses, but in reality are just passionate about absolutely everything they do.

Next week we'll talk about Aries in love. Whether you are an Aries or you're in like with an Aries, I'll tell you what matches are a good bet.