Saturday, June 30, 2007

Falling in love with love with Cancer......

Cancer love is the Marianas Trench of romance. It is a love the must be reciprocated with fearless commitment and is not to be undertaken by the false, the foolhardy or the faint of heart. The pressure is great; the rewards are immeasurable. Who's got what it takes?

Picture yourself, Cancer with each of these.....

Aries - As long as they're house-broken and self-cleaning, this could be that puppy you always wanted. Love and affection sprinkled with treats will win you a companion for life.

Taurus - There will always be muddy footprints tracked on your carpet. Hell even if you live in a mud hut, you can be sure, Taurus can find a way to muck it up even more.

Gemini - This will kick off allergy season nicely. And of course everyone thinks you're the weirdo, I mean how could anybody be allergic to something so pretty? Am I right?

Cancer - You'll have a hard time getting close enough to find out each other's names. Neither one of you will want to be the first to blink. Just turn around and walk away slowly.

Leo - This one will crack you open, and rip out your insides for a snack, leaving behind nothing but a trail of broken shell and a spreading butter stain.

Virgo - I'm not saying you need a pre-nup, but a list of rights and responsibilities wouldn't go amiss - something like a job description that lets you know who's in charge of what.

Libra - Remember Snow White? Cinderella? The Princess and the Pea? This is a high maintenance lover who tends to make you look a lot like an evil step mother.

Scorpio - Nobody can stir up your inner snob like a Scorpio. They won't do what you want them to and worse, they want their own way! Cretins!

Sagittarius - Never around when needed and always under foot when they're not. Showing up at all hours with friends in tow and never a phone call to let you know.

Capricorn - Beat this one to the pre-nup. You don't have to be a lawyer to know that Capricorn won't get any where without you so get your share up front.

Aquarius - You'll need an alibi going in because you will want to get rid of this one. Exterminate, eradicate, erase, end. Permanently.

Pisces - You better be in a take charge mood - all the time. Otherwise you'll wake up ten years from now to find yourself in the middle of a life you don't remember.

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