Saturday, April 14, 2007

Taurus - April 20 - May 20

Taurus are all about value and they understand that you get what you pay for. This can sometimes lead to the belief that the more it costs you the better it is. Rarely will a Taurus get into a 'mine's bigger' discussion though; the Bull prefers to just walk on by, secure in the knowledge that his is. This is the second reason why, if you're dating a Taurus, you need to be very high maintenance for the relationship to succeed. The more time, money and/or effort that a Taurus has to put into keeping you happy, the more they will come to view your happiness as a worthwhile goal. Also, unless you're really kicking up a fuss, Taurus will frequently not even notice that you're there. Which is why the key words for Taurus are I'm Sorry.

Taurus is thought of as being bull-headed and stubborn. It's true that they will plow through quite a lot to get to where they want to go, but try to see this in terms of being tenacious and focused rather than relentless and unyielding. Have you ever watched a Taurus multi-task? Uh-huh, and did your insurance cover it? A Taurus will have more hobbies, interests and extra-curricular activities than any ten ordinary people. Or at least they will have the accessories. These accoutrement often stand as a monument to what Taurus is sacrificing in pursuit of a greater goal. But don't think that means for a moment that Taurus can't whip out the paints, the tap shoes and the Didgeridoo and perform credibly with any or all. Just make sure you've got coverage.

Another term you'll hear used to refer to Taurus is 'bull in a china shop' and that's just ridiculous. Taurus is very earthy, sensual and graceful in all of their movements and if Taurus is in a china shop there's a credit card involved somewhere.

Keep in mind that for 2008, Ford is bringing the Taurus back! And that's an indicator of Taurus' greatest asset - staying power. Greatest weakness? Being so busy getting someplace that they miss where they are.

1 comment:

Vulgar Baker said...

just hilarious. i am a taurus and i dont have a credit card but i do multitask, try to keep busy, quiet, sometimes i raise my head and grunt