Remember last week when I said that all Libras were royalty? Well it's true, and in love they are Prince Charming, the Princess Bride and the Duke of Earl, all rolled into one. Libra needs to have a significant other. They are neither needy, nor clingy, they just really function more easily when in a relationship. I don't know why, it's never been my experience that having a boyfriend makes anything easier, but there are apparently people who feel otherwise, and a large percentage of them are Libras.
So Libra, where's the best place for you to look for your counterbalancing soul mate? Read on....
Libra with Aries - It's like community service with a better wardrobe. Fun is not supposed to be this much work.
Libra with Taurus - Taurus loves the idea of you but when it gets right down to it, just can't keep up.
Libra with Gemini - You can both be princesses and do each others hair and nails. Sleep over anyone?
Libra with Cancer - Ever watched someone try to thread a needle wearing oven mitts? That's what this looks like.
Libra with Leo - Leo the king will not recognize you sovereignty. Prepare for invasion coupled with a scorched earth policy.
Libra with Virgo - It's like dating an older sibling - safe, comforting and a little bit creepy: in a good way.
Libra with Libra - More of this type of couple and the wind power energy situation would be all taken care of.
Libra with Scorpio - Put it down, put it down, put it down! This will end in tears, recriminations and restraining orders.
Libra with Sagittarius - This match is about as good an idea as lighting a barbecue with gasoline. That's bad.
Libra with Capricorn - Want to be a music box dancer? Ever wonder what she did when the lid was closed?
Libra with Aquarius - Tornadoes are more frequent during warm weather and they can strike out of nowhere.
Libra with Pisces - It's like you're not even speaking the same language and no amount of Berlitz will help.
Blogoscopes Week of July 13 to ?????????
15 years ago