Earthy Taurus is an incredible mix of the sensuous and the scintillating; A larger than life presence sitting between the spring fire of Aries and Gemini's promise of summer fun; youngest of the earth signs, eager to be shaped by life - up to a point. This week's list tells Taurus where that point is with every other sign of the Zodiac. For those of you in and/or contemplating a relationship with Taurus, maybe you should take notes.
Taurus with Aries - You started this lemonade stand together, how come you're the one left holding the lemons?
Taurus with Taurus - You are an unstoppable team, yoked together for all eternity, and really, how long could that be?
Taurus with Gemini - It would be like dating potpourri - aromatic and decorative but without any real purpose.
Taurus with Cancer - This one will rain on every parade you ever try to throw: makes it easier to sweep up confetti.
Taurus with Leo - Welcome to the Dome - Two signs enter, One sign leaves! This will get bloody before it gets better.
Taurus with Virgo - You two will be cooking along so well that you open a restaurant - a vegan rib joint. Bon apetit.
Taurus with Libra - You love pretty things that require special care and handling, but they break so easily
Taurus with Scorpio - They will only love you for one thing and it isn't your recipe for pound cake.
Taurus with Sagittarius - Sagittarius wanders off in the grocery store and you forget to go look for them.
Taurus with Capricorn - These are the people who want your recipe for pound cake - refuse to share your secret ingredient.
Taurus with Aquarius - Get yourself a t-shirt that reads "I already gave at the office" - head things off at the pass.
Taurus with Pisces - Are you any good with a Hula Hoop? That's just exactly how silly this would look.
Blogoscopes Week of July 13 to ?????????
15 years ago